Di seguito trovate il contributo in inglese di un'alunna che ha partecipato con il coro dell'Istituto "O. Romero" alla lezione-spettacolo da noi organizzata il 27 novembre 2009. L'articolo è stato pubblicato sul primo numero de "Senza Pensieri", pubblicazione dell'ISIS O. Romero" di Albino (Bg). Veramente pregevole appare lo sforzo dell'alunna Alessandra Crotti che ha scritto il suo articolo in inglese sulla scia dell'entusiamo per l'attività alla quale ha partecipato.
Bergamo and Melbourne Together for a Lesson-show
On Friday 27th November, Oscar Romero Secondary School´s choir, which this year celebrates its tenth anniversary with the release of a CD, performed with thirty-five Australian students from Melbourne, Australia, "The Tempest: A Rock Opera" by Craig Waldron, based on Shakespeare’s work.
This project is the result of the collaboration between our teacher of English, Noemi Ciceroni, and Mount Eliza Secondary College, which started at the end of the last school year.
Thanks to the great work of the choir´s director, Donato Giupponi, fifty girls of our school worked on thirty-one English songs for three voices in less than eight sessions to accompany Mount Eliza´s students during the lesson-show which was held at Giulio Natta Secondary School in Bergamo.
This was a successful alternative way to perform one of Shakespeare´s most famous masterpieces: in fact the story isn´t narrated only through acting but through the lyrics of thirty-one rock songs sung by the Australian students and the Italian choir.
The project was an interesting experience for the large audience but above all for the students involved, who had the possibility to compare their countries and customs and to make new friends speaking English.
Taking part in the performance with those incredible boys and girls was great fun, but the most amusing moments were probably the first meeting and the lunch together. The Italian girls offered a little packed lunch to all the Australian students and they ate together chatting about the main differences between Italy and Australia, about their schools and their interests.
All of us would really like to carry on the project and this is another evidence of how a linguistic experience like this can be useful and pleasant for students who study a foreign language.
Bergamo and Melbourne Together for a Lesson Show
Di seguito trovate il contributo in inglese di un'alunna che ha partecipato con il coro dell'Istituto "O. Romero" alla lezione-spettacolo da noi organizzata il 27 novembre 2009. L'articolo è stato pubblicato sul primo numero de "Senza Pensieri", pubblicazione dell'ISIS O. Romero" di Albino (Bg). Veramente pregevole appare lo sforzo dell'alunna Alessandra Crotti che ha scritto il suo articolo in inglese sulla scia dell'entusiamo per l'attività alla quale ha partecipato.Bergamo and Melbourne Together for a Lesson-show
On Friday 27th November, Oscar Romero Secondary School´s choir, which this year celebrates its tenth anniversary with the release of a CD, performed with thirty-five Australian students from Melbourne, Australia, "The Tempest: A Rock Opera" by Craig Waldron, based on Shakespeare’s work.
This project is the result of the collaboration between our teacher of English, Noemi Ciceroni, and Mount Eliza Secondary College, which started at the end of the last school year.
Thanks to the great work of the choir´s director, Donato Giupponi, fifty girls of our school worked on thirty-one English
songs for three voices in less than eight sessions to accompany Mount Eliza´s students during the lesson-show which was held at Giulio Natta Secondary School in Bergamo.
This was a successful alternative way to perform one of Shakespeare´s most famous masterpieces: in fact the story isn´t narrated only through acting but through the lyrics of thirty-one rock songs sung by the Australian students and the Italian choir.
The project was an interesting experience for the large audience but above all for the students involved, who had the possibility to compare their countries and customs and to make new friends speaking English.
Taking part in the performance with those incredible boys and girls was great fun, but the most amusing moments were probably the first meeting and the lunch together. The Italian girls offered a little packed lunch to all the Australian students and they ate together chatting about the main differences between Italy and Australia, about their schools and their interests.
All of us would really like to carry on the project and this is another evidence of how a linguistic experience like this
can be useful and pleasant for students who study a foreign language.
Alessandra Crotti